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Morning Yoga Practice | Justmom 💕.

Here's my Morning Yoga Practice that I've saved at the infinity pool of a beach resort on one of our family trips at the North of Cebu. Read more...

36K Bike on Ninoy Aquino Day
Monday for everyone is busiest day of the week. But this Monday is unusual 'coz it's a holiday. Ninoy Aquino Day,  a non-working holiday here in Pinas. We all love holidays. Even if it isn't a holiday,  we sometimes declare the day as holiday by not to be around at work place or any where you belong. 😂 Read more...

 Camiguin Summer Run

Oh, how I love to run! Running makes free me from stress, happy and feeling full after. My week is not complete without running even once. Though how hectic my schedule over the entire week, I tried to allocate 30 minutes to an hour to run. During school days, I run @ MIMG after or before sending my bunch of kids to school. To break the normal route, sometimes I run around the entire block following the road that surrounds our place. One complete turn is more or less 5 kilometers so running it twice makes a 10K run according to Runkeeper (running app). Since this week, we're out of town and we're here in this beautiful Island Born of Fire, Camiguin Island. It's our 4th day after Mantigue Island visitation. Read more...